Do you love to travel, experience new places, cultures, traditions but don't have time to get away even for a few days? Or maybe you are a fan/fan of flying by plane? Simair meets your expectations!
At our center we organize demonstration flights, where you will get into the role of a passenger of our aircraft, flying from point A to point B and this is thanks to our functional aircraft deckconnected to the cockpit of a Boeinga 737 MAXThroughout the flight, the Simair flight crew is at your disposal and on each of our flights there is a special guest - a traveler and globetrotter, who will be happy to tell you many interesting facts and information about the place to which we will be flying. The possibility of looking into the cockpit during the flight will also be an incredible attraction. Included in the ticket price for the demonstration flight are cold/hot drinks and modest refreshments.
Demonstration demonstration flight - feel like a traveler!
Not everyone and not always has the time to take a trip, even a nearby one, at any given time. Sometimes a simple city break is out of our reach due to work obligations or life situations. If the most exciting part of any trip for you is flying in an airplane and you miss the amazing experience of taking off, flying and landing, welcome to Simair. We organize demonstration flights for every fan of passenger and propeller aircraft. During a demonstration flight in our simulator you will go on a thrilling journey in a Boeing 737 MAX. The experience will be even more interesting than a classic passenger flight, as you will have a unique chance to look into the cockpit of the aircraft to see what the pilots' work is like during the trip. Throughout the flight we will be accompanied by a special guest - a traveler, who is passionate about exploring the world and knows many interesting facts about the place where we are flying to. The flight ticket also includes cold and hot drinks and small refreshments. Feel like a passenger on your dream trip and take an unforgettable cruise with us, during which you will take to the skies and fulfill your dream of traveling by plane.
At Simair, the whole world is within ... flying distance!
A demonstration demonstration flight is an attraction for everyone - if you long for an aviation experience, or if you want to check out what it's like to get into the air before your first trip, come on one of our upcoming flights. We'll also help you overcome your fear of heights and your fear of flying - a simulator is the best and most painless way to find out just how enjoyable a flight can be. We guarantee an unforgettable experience, a mass of interesting stories, gaining invaluable knowledge and wonderful experiences that cannot be gained on a classic passenger flight - and all this without leaving your city.
See where we are going in the near future and let us take you to the skies. For the price of your ticket, you'll get a unique and priceless experience 😉 .
Nearest flights:
Click on the flight of your choice to go to the tab and buy a ticket.
- 16 Lipca 2024: Adelaide (Australia) ▶️ Sydney (Australia), Start: 18:00 – zmiana terminu!
- 19 Listopada 2024: Kingston (Jamajka) ▶️ St. Maarten (Antyle Holenderskie) – Karaibska przygoda, Start: 18:00
- 05 Grudnia 2024: Gdańsk (Polska) ▶️ Rovaniemi (Finlandia) – Lot do Świętego Mikołaja! – I Termin, Start: 18:00 (OSTATNIE WOLNE MIEJSCA)
- 06 Grudnia 2024: Gdańsk (Polska) ▶️ Rovaniemi (Finlandia) – Lot do Świętego Mikołaja! – II Termin, Start: 15:00
- 06 Grudnia 2024: Gdańsk (Polska) ▶️ Rovaniemi (Finlandia) – Lot do Świętego Mikołaja! – III Termin, Start: 18:00 (WYPRZEDANE)
- 07 Grudnia 2024: Gdańsk (Polska) ▶️ Rovaniemi (Finlandia) – Lot do Świętego Mikołaja! – IV Termin, Start: 16:00
Archived flights:
25 Stycznia 2023: Warszawa/Modlin ➡ Praga, Czechy14 Lutego 2023: Katowice/Pyrzowice ➡ Wenecja/Marco-Polo, Włochy – ♥ Lot Walentynkowy ♥ 18:0022 Lutego 2023: Kraków Balice ➡ Innsbruck, Austria 18:0022 Marca 2023: Gdańsk/Rębiechowo ➡ Wiedeń, Austria 18:0019 Kwietnia 2023: Wrocław/Strachowice ➡ Split, Chorwacja 18:009 Maja 2023: Poznań/Ławica ➡ Bruksela, Belgia 18:00 – Lot z okazji wstąpienia Polski do Unii Europejskiej21 Czerwca 2023: Kraków/Balice ➡ Bari, Włochy 18:0019 Lipca 2023: Wrocław/Strachowice ➡ Paryż/Charles de Gaulle, Francja 18:0018 Sierpnia 2023: Kraków/Balice ➡Ibiza, Hiszpania 18:00 – Ibiza Summer Flight!6 Września 2023: Warszawa/Chopina ➡Zurych/Kloten, Szwajcaria 18:0020 Września 2023: Katowice/Pyrzowice ➡Nicea, Francja 18:004 Października 2023: Olsztyn/Mazury ➡ Monachium, Niemcy 18:00 – Oktober Fest!18 Października 2023: Gdańsk/Rębiechowo ➡ Alta, Norwegia 18:00 – Wycieczka po Fiordach7 Listopada 2023: Kraków/Balice ➡ Amsterdam/Schiphol, Holandia 18:0021 Listopada 2023: Poznań / Ławica ➡ Mediolan / Malpensa, Włochy 18:005 Grudnia 2023: Gdańsk / Rębiechowo ➡ Rovaniemi, Finlandia 17:30 – lot do Mikołaja!January 16, 2024: Barcelona / El-Prat (Spain) ▶️ Innsbruck / Kranebitten (Austria), Start: 18:00February 14, 2024: Paris / Charles de Gaulle (France) ▶️ Venice / Marco-Polo (Italy) ❤️ Valentine's Day Flight ❤️, Start: 18:00(WYPRZEDANO)15 Lutego 2024: Paryż / Charles de Gaulle (Francja) ▶️ Wenecja / Marco-Polo (Włochy) ❤️ Lot Walentynkowy ❤️, Start: 18:00 – DRUGI TERMINMarch 12, 2024: La Paz / El Alto (Bolivia) ▶️ Lima / Jorge Chávez (Peru) 🏔️ Magic of the Andes 🏔️, Start: 18:00April 16, 2024: Ushuaia (Argentina) ▶️ Antarctica (Antarctica), Start: 18:00May 14, 2024: Chicago / O'Hare (USA) ▶️ New York / John Fitzgerald Kennedy (USA), Start: 18:0026 Maja 2024: Warszawa / Chopina (Polska) ▶️ Rzym / Fiumicino (Włochy) – Lot z okazji Dnia Matki, Start: 15:00June 11, 2024: Seoul / Incheon (South Korea) ▶️ Tokyo / Haneda (Japan), Start: 18:0013 Sierpnia 2024: Genewa (Szwajcaria) ▶️ Ibiza (Hiszpania) – Ibiza Summer Flight!, Start: 18:0017 Września 2024: Teheran (Iran) ▶️ Dubaj (ZEA), Start: 18:0015 Października 2024: Skopje (Macedonia Północna) ▶️ Monachium (Niemcy) – Oktober Fest!, Start: 18:00